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A French Flea Market at Maison Reve Tomorrow.....How to make your own french farmhouse table

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
I just wanted to let you know that in case you are in Mill Valley, CA tomorrow, be sure and stop in at Maison Reve....
I had planned on sharing images of some of my favorite items I have found at Maison Reve over the years, and unfortunately blogger isn't cooperating with me tonight.....
I will post those images in the near future...

 This is one of the easiest ways to make a unique one of a kind table....
And you won't even need to get out a drill....

Baca Juga
    I also use this table in my house in an area of my living room that I converted into my work studio.

    I have found so many great french architectural items at Maison Reve...

    If you don't live in northern CA then you can still shop Maison Reve via the internet....
    I hope you enjoy your weekend....

    Take Care,

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