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I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!
My husband is a horse trainer and we have moved over 20 times our married life....
We have even lived in beautiful Japan, where my daughter Nicole was born....
We have lived in many different types of homes.... even in a barn....
 Each home we lived in we tried to make the best of it no matter what type of house it was.

We have been fortunate to have lived on this beautiful 50 acre horse ranch for over eight years now, 
it is the longest we have ever stayed in one place....
We couldn't feel more blessed to be able to raise our kids here....
(We do not own the ranch, my husband is the horse trainer and breeding manager for the ranch.)
I wanted to share a few images I shot of babies that were born on the ranch this past week....

This foal is only two days old in the above images.....
They are so darn cute....

My husband and I raise a small number of show cattle.
My kids show cattle, and so we decided to start raising our own.
My husband also grew up on a cattle ranch in Montana, his family raises registered simmental cattle.

This is a picture of our calf that was born this last week....
The cow is a registered Maine-Anjou....
My husband didn't choose this breed for that reason though : )

On another note....
My amazing sister is expecting her 10th child, and her due date was on the 8th....
We are all anxiously waiting for her little one to arrive!
Enjoy your weekend!
Take Care,

Living on a Horse Ranch

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!
My husband is a horse trainer and we have moved over 20 times our married life....
We have even lived in beautiful Japan, where my daughter Nicole was born....
We have lived in many different types of homes.... even in a barn....
 Each home we lived in we tried to make the best of it no matter what type of house it was.

We have been fortunate to have lived on this beautiful 50 acre horse ranch for over eight years now, 
it is the longest we have ever stayed in one place....
We couldn't feel more blessed to be able to raise our kids here....
(We do not own the ranch, my husband is the horse trainer and breeding manager for the ranch.)
I wanted to share a few images I shot of babies that were born on the ranch this past week....

This foal is only two days old in the above images.....
They are so darn cute....

My husband and I raise a small number of show cattle.
My kids show cattle, and so we decided to start raising our own.
My husband also grew up on a cattle ranch in Montana, his family raises registered simmental cattle.

This is a picture of our calf that was born this last week....
The cow is a registered Maine-Anjou....
My husband didn't choose this breed for that reason though : )

On another note....
My amazing sister is expecting her 10th child, and her due date was on the 8th....
We are all anxiously waiting for her little one to arrive!
Enjoy your weekend!
Take Care,

Baca Juga
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