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Christmas in April Better Homes and Gardens Style and Getting Ready for the Antique Fairs

I hope you are all enjoying your week.
I have had to take a break from being on the computer these past few weeks. One of the reasons was Better Homes and Gardens was here for five days
shooting a story for their Christmas issue.
The best part about the shoot was my kids were included in the shoot.
Jessica Thomas was the art director, Leigh Noe was the stylist, and Ray Kachatorian was
the photographer.  My kids loved Ray, and I discovered I had a cookbook that he shot.
It was exciting to see our home professionally decorated for Christmas. It was really neat to watch the stylist, art director, and photographer all work together to produce the story. 
The issue will be out November 15th.
A special thank you to Janna Lufkin , who is the reason any of this happened.


I have also been busy trying to get ready for the antique shows that are coming up.
I love these blue shutters, they are from the south of France.  At Christmas time I hung a branch across the shutters to hang my petite stockings from.

Thad is going to
make two pieces of furniture using the shutters.  I am hoping to have them

For right now they sit beside my linen closet.....

I will also be a vendor at the Chateau Sonoma French Flea Market, which is May 19th & 20th.
I will be sharing more details with you about the French Flea Market in my next post, it is 
 a quaint  flea market held in Sonoma, I am honored to be apart of Sarah Anderson's show this year.

Most of these french linens and grain sacks are now being made into pillows slips and or totes,  I will be bringing 
a lot of our handmade items to both shows!

This is an image of our french linen totes we sell in our shop, we will be bringing a few of these to the show, I shot this image a year ago, I might have to update it soon.

We will also be bringing some of our grain sack totes!  

I hope to see you at one of the shows. 
I was lucky enough to run into a blog friend this weekend at the Alameda flea market,
Lorraine Lewis of the Paper Bird blog.
Lorraine is the sweetest person, and I felt lucky to have been able to meet her in person.

Baca Juga
    On another note....
    There is a container sale that is being held this week at 12607 E. hwy 120 Manteca, CA at Sue's Barn.
    Marina Gheist of Over the Ocean Antiques, will be holding a container 
    sale this week....
    May 10th 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
    May 11th -13th 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Marina imports so many beautiful antiques from Europe.
    I didn't buy this green cupboard directly from Marina, but I later discovered Marina
    imported it from the South of France....

    If you are in Manteca, CA area be sure and stop by, I know you won't be disappointed.
    You can contact Marina by phone or email.

    On a final note....
    I wanted to share where I purchased this duvet...
    I bought it at Maison Reve about a year ago, this particular style had been discontinued and
    was on sale.
    I know Yasmine has other great styles available.
    It is made from linen and is one of my favorite 

    I hope you all enjoy your week!
    A special thank you to Stephanie of the blog Stephmodo, for featuring my home and blog last week.
    Stephanie has a beautiful blog, I hope you get a chance to check it out.
    Take Care,


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