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Christmas Morning, A Peppermint Wreath How To, Taking a Holiday Break

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to share a few images from our Christmas morning......
We stayed home and spent the day together as a family.....
I was able to snap a few pictures before the madness began on Christmas morning.....

Once again we weren't able to get the tree decorated before Christmas.....
We got our tree from a tree farm along Apple Hill a few days before Christmas....
It is a Silvertipped Fir Christmas tree....
(The vintage ski poles are from Belgium)

This year for wrapping paper we used Martha Stewart Packing Paper from Staples.....
We used a massive amount of MT Masking Tape : ).....
My favorite color of tape is the red and white designs.....
The girls wrapped most of the gifts this year and decided to stamp snowflakes onto the wrapping paper on some of the packages.....
The gifts were wrapped with Dutch butcher twine and then we added some fresh fir to the packages.....

I thought my son looked so cute wrapped up in his blanket he had just opened from his Aunt Nancy..... It is the cutest blanket from the Better Homes and Garden line at Walmart....


On another note.......
Last year I had posted images of the peppermint wreath we made, and received a lot of questions about it, so I thought I would share a few more details with you on how to make the peppermint wreath......
I had hoped to share this post with you before Christmas and unfortunately wasn't able to find the time to do so..... I think it would be fun to do for Valentine's Day as well......
It is a really fun and an easy project to do with the kids......

All you need is a styrofoam wreath form, hot glue gun, glue sticks, and peppermint candies....
We got our wreath form at Michaels.....
You can choose the size you think would work best.....
Unwrap your candies......

The kids love helping unwrap the candy : ).....

Baca Juga

    Hot glue rows of peppermint candies around your wreath......
    Make sure you use a generous amount of glue on each candy......

    We then glue another row of peppermint candies around the wreath to cover the holes so you don't see the styrofoam.....

    I had the boys put on their newsboy caps for the pictures : )......

    I do not store my peppermint wreaths, we discard them and then make a new one the following year.....


    On a final note.......
    I am taking some time off from shipping out packages in the shop starting today December 27th 
    until January 15th.  You can still order items from our shop, just please note that your items will not ship until after January 15th.....

    I hope you all had a Blessed Christmas and I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.......
    Take Care, 

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