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Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

As the leaves change color and the nights cool off, fall is in the air. This is the season for pumpkin everything. Cut the calories from commercialized pumpkin products, and create your own using this pumpkin spice mix!

Pumpkin Spice Mix
Blend 1/4 cup Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon ground Ginger, 2 teaspoons Nutmeg, and 2 teaspoons Allspice Powder. Store in an airtight glass jar.
Baca Juga
  • Add to your coffee for less simple syrups/sugar than those pumpkin-spiced lattes
  • Sprinkle in your oatmeal or yogurt
  • Enjoy with baked apple slices
  • Mix in with almond butter, which pairs great with fruit, crackers, or just a spoonful
  • Control the ingredients and make your own baked goods such as muffins, pies, cupcakes, bread

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