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Hair ritual experience at Geetanjali salon,Saket.

Well you know how a mother lion fels about her cub? Overprotective! That is just how I am when it comes to my hair, way too overprotective *khi khi khi*
So when Geetanjali salon invited me for a hair ritual, cutting and colouring session, I skipped the latter two and went in just for the ritual to nourish my tresses as I do not trust any one with cutting or colouring my hair, the only reason I did my ombre myself!

They had this special camera which like tells how dry or non-dry your hair and scalp are. My scalp was normal and my shafts were normal, but ends due to the bleaching and colouring were a little dry *sobs*

 So the first thing they did was shampoo my hair with Kerastase shampoo, which smelled amazing!

Next this gel conditioner was appliead all over my hair along with this cream

And my head was wrapped up in a hot towel for 10 minutes and trust me it felt blissful!

Baca Juga
     Followed by a nice session of blowdry while I made funny faces and tadaa!

    I loved the result and honestly I got sooo many compliments! like sooo many! *blush blush*

    I rarely like salons and specially when it comes to hair but Geetanjali gets a double thumbs up! must must must visit!

    And oh did I mention Sumit is such a sweet person! he is so down to earth and polite! *lovestruck*

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    Youtube: sjlovesjewelry
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