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L'Oreal Shine Caresse-Bella-Review and swatches

One of the perpetual issues of my life is getting my hair stuck on my lipgloss. I mean how is a girl supposed to feel glamorous when it windy when all she is doing is constantly removing hair from her lips? *sobs*

So when L'oreal came up with these babies, I thought finally we had a solution to this issue, read on to know more!

This lip gloss claims the lightness of water and shine of a gloss *utopia*

 The ingredients are mentioned the back.
 And you get 6ml of product for Rs 550. L'oreal is easily available both online and on counters.
But what really took my heart away wasthe packaging, it makes me weak in my knees *love*

Tell me if this foundation doesn't scream BUY ME!

The shade that I m going to review today is Bella.

You dont need to open the tube in order to see the colour of the gloss, you can see the colour coded packaging very easily.

The applicator is very interesting too.

This applicator easily reaches the cupid's ow and corners of the mouth. *woot woot*

Coming to the actual colour, it is a beautiful pinkish coral which would suit fair to medium skintones beautifully.

Baca Juga
     The gloss is decently pigmented and shows up in 3-4 swipes.

    The texture is what irks me, it can get a little patchy while application.

    And it is obvious in the lip swatch.

    It stays on for 3-4 hours and survives light meals, and after that it starts fading from the centre, and you have to re-touch it.

    Staying power
    Light weight
    Non sticky

    A bit pricey

    Connect with me:
    Youtube: sjlovesjewelry
    Instagram: shreyajain26
    Twitter: sjovesjewelry

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