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Two to tango.

Is there any particular race you like so much that you wish you were born as one? Well, I love Latinas I mean they have such pretty features and that inbuilt ability to shake that booty *jealous*

Soo, well, you have guessed it right, I tried to dress like one *khi khi khi* Now they have their beautiful dresses but ain't nobody spending that much money, so I sort of mixed and matched.

I think the hair plays a very very very important role when it comes to any particular look. A low side bun is perfect for such a look.

I wore a top which was supposed to be a peplum but oh well. And I paired it with a sheer maxi skirt with slits on both sides *love*

I added my accessories in pink so as to bring some colour to the look.

 Outfit details:

Top: Newfrog.com
Skirt: Street shopping
Belt: Asos.com
Necklace: Westside
Clutch: Vintage
Heels: Marie claire

Baca Juga
    Some more photos befor I sign off for today.

    Connect with me:
    Youtube: sjlovesjewelry
    Instagram: shreyajain26
    Twitter: sjovesjewelry

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