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Cupcakes for the Primrose Bakery Cookbook.......Italian Cream Soda

I hope you are all enjoying your week.
I wanted to finally share the cookbook I got the raspberry cupcake recipe from,
Cupcakes for the Primrose Bakery, I love this cookbook, it has a lot of helpful baking tips and is filled with beautiful images.

The authors of the book,
Martha Swift and Lisa Thomas, were two mothers who started out baking cupcakes for their children's parties....and soon discovered that adults love cupcakes too.
They now run a successful bakery and cafe in London, where they bake beautiful all natural 
cupcakes along with other baked goods.
{I am also giving one reader a chance to win this cookbook today.
All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post to enter the giveaway.}

I made these raspberry cupcakes, a recipe from the Cupcakes from the Primrose Bakery Cookbook, when I put the Cabbages and Roses inspired party together.

The raspberry cupcakes were a big hit with the kids....
The recipe called for warm raspberry jam....

It was kind of funny because when we made these cupcakes, the kids didn't think they were
going to like the cupcakes because they had jam in them.

They ended up loving them.

I wanted to also share the Italian Cream Soda recipe with you....
This is a very easy drink to make...

Baca Juga

    Italian Cream Soda
    1 cup of Club Soda
    2 TBSP of Milk (or half and half)
    2 Tablespoons of vanilla syrup
    We chose vanilla flavored syrup, however there are lots of flavors to choose from.
    You can also add berries to your drink and whip cream : )
    To make an Italian soda, just omit the milk...
    The girls love to make these daily : )

    On another note...

    I thought it would be fun to giveaway the Cupcakes from the Primrose Bakery cookbook today...
    I will be giving away one cookbook to one reader.
    All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post.
    The winner will be chosen by random number.
    Giveaway ends October 17th.
    If you are an anonymous commenter please be sure and leave your email address so I can contact you if you win.
    Giveaway is open to international readers.....

    You can read more about Martha Swift and Lisa Thomas 
    by visiting their website, 
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!
    Take Care,

    p.s. The winner of the Cabbages and Roses giveaway was.....
    Anonymous said...
    What a cool giveaway! The banner would be perfect for my daughter's new big girl room. Thanks for hosting this.

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