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A Finished Peppermint Wreath


I wanted to share a few images of Nicole's peppermint wreath she finished.

The above image is a picture of the wreath from yesterday.
Nicole just glued another layer of peppermint candies to cover the styrofoam wreath form.

Nicole chose to use a grain sack tie for the ribbon.
Nicole decided she didn't want to use an actual ribbon.

Baca Juga
    I posted how to make these wreaths here....

     Enjoy the rest of your week.
    I will be back tomorrow.
    Take Care,
    P.S. If you subscribe to my blog by email and wonder why you aren't receiving my posts anymore....
    that is because for some reason my posts aren't being sent out anymore via email.....
    I am trying to get that fixed, so hopefully you will start receiving my posts again soon.

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