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New Items in the Shop, Savannah Bee Honey, Jeanne Oliver's Creatively Made E-Course

We made it back from our quick road trip to Montana....
I haven't had much of a chance to be on the computer lately,
I wanted to do a quick post today....
I loaded a few new items to my shop this weekend, and will be adding more this evening....

I added some vintage french bread baskets, that come with vintage french linen towels...

I will be adding more transferware this evening....

I also bought some of this Savannah Bee honeycomb at Andrae's Bakery over the weekend....
It is truly the best honey I have ever tasted......
I also bought a bottle of the tupelo honey, it is the best!....
If you are ever in Amador County be sure and check Andrae's Bakery...
You can read more about Savannah Bee Honey by visiting their website...

On another note.....

Baca Juga

    I wanted to let you know about Jeanne Oliver's Creatively Made E-Course
    she is now offering, it starts on Monday.....

    If you would like to sign up for Jeanne's E-Course, there is still time....
    You can do so by visiting Jeanne's website...

    If you would like to read more about it, you can do so by visiting Jeanne's blog....
    or you can watch Jeanne's vimeo, where she tells you more about the e-course....

    I will be back with my Christmas post...
    I am a little embarrassed that I still haven't gotten a chance to post about 
    what little bit of Christmas decorating I did....
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
    Take Care,

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