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Montana Farmhouse Soaps Coming Soon..... Antique Ceiling Tin Memory Board

I wanted to tell you about a soap line I will soon be carrying in the shop.....
I was born and raised in Montana,  and luckily grew up in a large family of 10 children.....
My brother, Merle lives in Manhattain, Montana with his wife, Nancy, and two daughters Katie and Amelia....  
My nieces Katie and Amelia raise nubian goats and show their goats at the county fair every year....
Nancy and the girls have been working on developing an all natural soap line using their 
goat's milk....

I have been using her soap and love it....
My entire family loves it as well....
Nancy is getting ready to launch her line, Montana Farmhouse Soaps soon.....
You will be able to purchase her soaps in my shop....
The above pictures are of my daughter Bethany and our nubian goat, Dolly.
Dolly has been apart of our family for 11 years and is well loved....

On another note....

I wanted to show you a quick way to make a memory board out of an antique ceiling tin.....
My sister actually makes the prettiest pictures frames using antique tin tiles....
Since I am not that handy I decided to use clothes pins to hold the pictures in place....

All you need is a ceiling tin....
A couple of clothes pins...
I was lucky and found some vintage french clothes pins....
This is a 12" x 12" square so I only clipped on two pictures of my adorable niece....

Prop the tin up on a shelf and you have a unique memory board...

Baca Juga
    I added a few of these to my shop  and will be adding more tiles tonight.

    I also wanted to Congratulate Sara Duckett, Sara will be on the Nate Show tomorrow, February 3rd!
    Be sure and watch tomorrow's show....
    I will be sharing an interview with Sara in the near future along with a fun giveaway!

    Enjoy the rest of your day!
    I am unfortunately headed back to the Apple Store today.... : (

    Take Care,

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