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Our Easter Egg Dying Experiment~Making Our Own Easter Egg Dye Using Fruits and Vegetables

I first want to say thank you to everyone who left such sweet comments about my sister expecting her 10th child....
I am excited to announce Monica delivered a healthy baby girl on Monday...
Clare Elizabeth....
I will be sharing pictures in the near future : )
The kids and I did a little Easter egg dying experiment this week using mostly fruits and vegetables...

I had not heard of dying Easter eggs using fruits and vegetables until
I came across a Better Homes and Garden article on how to make your own dye....
I might be the only person that had not heard of this before : ) .....
The kids and I decided to experiment with making our own dye this year.....

We ended up loving how the eggs turned out.....
We decided that we will be dying our eggs this way from now on....
It was a lot funner then just using tablets and vinegar like we always have done in the past.

These lavender colored speckled eggs were a product of mixing grape juice and vinegar together.
We left the eggs in the solution overnight.
For some reason the eggs had a bubbly film over them in the morning, so the girls rinsed them off
and this is what we ended up with.
We all loved how these turned even if it was by accident.....

A few of the foods we used to create some of our favorite colors....

Red Cabbage, Boiling Water, & Vinegar ~ Robin's Egg Blue
Blueberries & Water ~ Bluish-Gray Eggs
Tumeric, Boiling Water, and Vinegar~ Mustard Yellow Eggs
Brewed Coffee ~ Golden Brown Eggs
Beets, Boiling Water, & Vinegar ~ Pale Pink Eggs

The kids dyed a lot of eggs!
 The eggs turned out a really pretty blue, that were almost the same color as my vintage french zinc pitcher that is in the first image....

Austin and Dustan experimented with their own recipe.....
It was an interesting one.
They combined avocado skins, potato skins, and onion skins.
We added boiling water to their mixture of skins, and let it simmer for five minutes.
We then added vinegar....
They ended up with really nice peach colored eggs : )
They are mixed amongst this pile of eggs somewhere....

We only had one dye that didn't turn out.....
That was the jade green color....
You peel red onion skins and simmer them in water and then add white vinegar,
and this is supposed to produce jade green eggs, instead we ended up with
orange eggs.
I am not sure what we did wrong.....

Baca Juga

    I also shot the eggs in one of my favorite french farmhouse finds...
    I will be adding this vintage french farmhouse egg basket to my shop soon....


    On another note....

    Be sure and check out Jennifer Rizzo's beautiful spring collection....

    There is still time to enter...


    On a final note...
    I wanted to share a sneak peek of the Souvenir Lifestyle Magazine.....
    I can hardly wait to see the entire issue!
    The launch date is March 20th....
    If you haven't already subscribed and are interested in subscribing 
    you can do so by visiting the Souvenir Website....
    You can also read more about the Souvenir contributors on
     Souvenir's Facebook Page....
    I hope you get a chance to check it out!
    Thank you Heather Bullard!
    I am honored to be apart of Souvenir!

    I hope you all enjoy your weekend!!!
    Take Care,
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