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A Trundle Bed for the Boys, Freddie, Frenchies, & Mes Amis Vintage Antique Show

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
I had to share a few sneak peak pictures of a project my husband recently finished.

I had bought this reclaimed wood from Yasmine in January.
I knew exactly what I wanted Thad to make with it : )

A trundle bed for the boys....
I had recently discovered Jen Migonis blog, Migonis Home.
Jen has a beautiful home and blog that is full of inspiration.
My husband referred to Jen's West Elm Inspired Bed Frame post for making the frame for the mattress.

The boys are more then thrilled with their bed....

As well as the Frenchies....
I had to snap a few pictures of them in their new bed yesterday morning, as it was their first night sleeping in the new bed.
Their room smells of wood, which the boys love.
They told me they just loved the wood!
I thought my brothers would be proud of me, I didn't paint their frame white.

The frenchies and the boys were having a hard time getting out of bed!
I will share more pictures with you of their room and bed, along with a guest post from my husband, Thad.


Baca Juga
    I also had to share a few pictures of our Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot, Freddie.
    Freddie recently got a new old cage that is from Belgium.....
    We thought she would be scared of her new cage as she is scared of everything and is not very fond of the male gender.

    To our surprise she loves it!

    Bethany has recently taken up knitting....
    Bethany knitted the collars for Lili and Adéle.
    If you are interested in learning how to knit or have a child who wants to learn how to knit,
    The Complete Beginner's Guide to Knitting is a great video to start with.
    Bethany has learned a lot from watching this video.


    If you are in the Roseville, CA area today, be sure and
    The show is held today, April 21st between 8 AM and 4PM.
    It is on Oak Street, between Taylor Street and South Grant.
    You can visit the Olive and Rose to find out more details about the show. 
    Aimee from the Antique Gardener has a booth this year!


    Enjoy your weekend!
    Take Care,

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