I hope you are all enjoying your week....
I wanted to share a couple pictures with you of this antique staircase that came from the south of France....
I have been looking for something unusual to put in this space where I had the mantle for awhile now.....I had moved my chalkboard in the kitchen dining room area that had taken the place of the mantle.
I wanted to find something that would also be useful....
For right now this staircase has found a spot in my living room.
I am currently using the staircase to display a collection of antique french ironstone and french yellowware....
This area isn't quite finished yet, the wall is quite bare to the left of the ladder, I have something I am hunting for to hang on the wall... I will share more pictures of this room in the near future, as well as the story behind finding staircase....
I also took it to the Remnants of the Past Vintage Show and used it to display my french ironstone that
I had for sale.
You can kind of see a glimpse of the staircase in this image of us at the show : )
Thank you Terry of the Vintage Bricoleur for snapping a picture of us at the show.
We got back from the Remnants of the Past Vintage Show at 1:30 Sunday night.
My entire family got to go with me, I was so thankful my husband's boss gave him a couple of days off so he could go with me and help at the show.
We ended up hauling two trailer loads to the show...
I met so many wonderful people and it really was an experience of a lifetime.
I got to meet Cheryl Cabot of Fresh Vanilla for C... Cheryl is the sweetest person ever.
People thought we were sisters : )
A special thank you to Judy Watkins for inviting me to be apart of your show!
I am so grateful to all of you vendors who made me feel so welcomed
at the show... I struggle with social anxiety and was really worried about selling at the show.
Thank you for making me feel welcomed into your world!!
I felt blessed to have my entire family there to help me as well : )
I now have more of an appreciation for what the vendors go through to sell at these shows.
The next show is October 20th and 21st...
I hope to see you there.
I have a couple of projects to finish up for Souvenir and then
I will be back to adding new items to my shop next week.
Take Care,