We recently went apple picking in an orchard that is located on Apple Hill.....
It was just the girls and I that went....
We are all going to go back next week, I want to take pictures of the boys in the orchard as well.....
It is a nice large basket that works great for taking to the market....
I have a few of these set around the house that are used specifically for throwing shoes in.....
We managed to pick a lot of apples....
We have some fun projects planned to do with these apples....
I will share some images of what we did in the near future....
This weekend I will share a few fall projects from the past that we have done with apples....
I just love the autumn season....
We are hoping to get some cooler weather, so it starts to feel like fall : )
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Take Care,
dreamywhites (instagram)