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Happy New Year and New England Love

I just wanted to write a quick note and tell everyone Happy New Year.....
I recently was lucky enough to get to make a trip to New Hampshire to visit my sister and her beautiful family.....My sister has 8 boys....
We had so much fun together and had a few fun photo sessions together.....
I haven't ever been to New Hampshire before and I have to tell you I fell in love with New Hampshire while I was there....
I will be sharing more images in the near future....


On another note.....
My friend Melaine of the blog My Sweet Savannah had to start another blog due to technical difficulties......
You won't be able to follow Melaine on her regular blog My Sweet Savannah anymore.....
You can now find Melaine at My Sweet Savannah Blog.....

Melaine was one of the first bloggers to feature my blog on her website.....
I will forever be grateful for all of the encouragement she gave me when I first started blogging.

Baca Juga
    If you feel inclined to share a link to Melaine's new blog on one of your social networking sites, I know Melaine would be grateful for your help.....

    On a final note, I have had a lot of emails inquiring about the blanket my son Austin is wrapped up in.....
    The blanket was a gift from my sister in law....
    She bought it from a Super Walmart in Montana....
    The brand of the blanket is a Better Homes and Gardens brand that Walmart carries.
    Unfortunately I haven't had any luck locating any more of these blankets.....

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
    Take Care,
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