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I remember last year on 16 April my boards had just ended. More than the results,the high cut off lists,what I was worried about was my clothes and how will I manage to look different everyday given the fact that I am a relatively safe player when it comes to fashion. (read tshirts and jeans) *cries*

So this post is not only for the girls who will start attending college from this year,but also for those who already are attending college. This post will help you give a new twist to your existing outfits! *woohoo*

P.S.- I have personally worn all the "before" outfits to college,and I have photographic proof of it as well (just saying)



Who doesn't love a good floral flow skirt? Too bad you can't repeat it too often as there are those girls who tend to point it out every single time. Let's reinvent this good old friend!


Let go of the tshirt,pull up your skirt and tuck it in from the front to get an asymmetrical hem.

Throw on an oversize white shirt (father,brother,boyfriend,any man can do *khi khi khi*)

Define your waist with a brown belt.add some multi coloured glass work bangles and brown flats,good to go!



The thing about colleges is that it demands kurtis. I don't know even a single college going girl who has never ever worn a kurti in her college life. It is a must,but for those who want to experiment a little more with kurtis rather than the normal jeans,leggings or patiala,this one is for you!


Baca Juga

For this outfit,I went a little,okay a lot experimental and I added a beige skirt and tied it on my empire line and threw in a nude belt.
Added very very very comfortable heels,which you can ditch for still more comfortable flats *chuckles*
To add a little more glitz to the look,I added silver glitter bangles too!



Whenever I think of my "staple" college clothes,I think of black tshirt and jeans,come on! I mean who can possibly go wrong with that? This is not a challenge,please do not attempt stunts to hurt others eyes. *haha*

Now this outfit can be easily be jazzed up let's see how.


This in my opinion is the easiest look. All you need to do it throw on a red blazer,add some nude and red heels and an envelope clutch. *tadaa*

So that is how you can reinvent your college clothes which you can wear to other places as well! Talk about getting all dressed up! *khi ki khi*

Which look did you like the best? Tell me!

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